The unbelieving believer vs the believing believer

Scripture reference: Luke 1 In Luke 1, both Zechariah and Mary experienced encounters with the same angel hearing a similar message; and yet one was kept silent in his disbelief; and one had the faith to believe even though she had questions. They both knew God; but one truly believed in the ability of God…

Dealing with Discontentment

The story of Jacob, Rachel and Leah [Genesis 29] is well-known to many for the fact that Jacob, who was in love with Rachel was tricked into marrying Leah as it was customary in those days for the eldest to be married off before the youngest. However, perhaps there is more to the story than…

How to hear God’s voice [part 1]

God is speaking. God is speaking to the Church as a whole and He is speaking to you. The problem is that often, we are not attuned to the same frequency as God; and may not even be able to differentiate God’s voice from all the other voices in our head. In 1 Samuel 3,…

How to pray

Prayer can be a very daunting task if you have not done it before or perhaps only pray in times of trouble. But prayer is simply talking with God like you would do with your friend, family or spouse. E.M. Bounds once wrote that: “Prayer is not learned in a classroom but in the closet.”…

Shhh! It’s a secret.

There are certain things that God will tell us that He wants us to keep secret. The Bible has many illustrations of this: In Genesis 37*, God shows Joseph that he will become the ruler over his father and his brothers; but when he shares this with them, not only do his brother ridicule him…

Do not arouse or awaken love before its time…

By Denise Stephanee ** SPOILER ALERT :- This is quite a girly post [sorry not sorry!] I am indeed a sucker for love!! I love romantic movies; heck, I even love the “fake, predictable” happy endings that you KNOW will come by the end of the movie [even if by the middle, you do start…

Unpacking the load

No matter whether you became a Christian because your family brought you up as one or whether you came to know Jesus Christ personally along life’s journey, we know that we came with some baggage. Baggage of pain, fear, doubt, insecurity, lack of trust, heartbreak – the list goes on! If you have someone “who…

But Jesus stayed.

“But Jesus stayed…” Have you ever started something & wanted to give up? Have you ever questioned God’s audible voice? You thought it was Him but the task at hand seems harder [if not impossible] to continue, or even more, complete… But wasn’t Jesus in the same predicament that we [at times] find ourselves in?…